Friday, December 10, 2010

Braço de Prata

À saída da estação de Braço de Prata a posição elevada do comboio permite ao passageiro uma visão privilegiada sobre o estuário do Tejo. A Norte, a ponte Vasco da Gama delimita o estuário, que se estreita para  Sul. Em frente, o que em dias de névoa passa por um mar, é hoje, nesta manhã de Outono tardio, um estudo em tons de cinzento - mais claro, quase transparente o do céu, depois mais escuro, quase negro, o da Serra da Arrábida, entre esta e a prata do rio - a outra margem.

O dia. Os dias passam.

Na viagem de regresso vi um velho reflectido na janela do comboio. Com um meio sorriso devolvia-me o olhar, pensei que a sua boa disposição seria devida à tensão erótica evidente, quase palpável, partilhada pelo jovem casal sentado em frente a mim.
Com um calafrio percebi que o velho era eu. O velho já sou eu.

Curtas viagens fazem uma vida longa.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

I'm liking Haydn more and more...

The fate of the animals

Deutsch: Tierschicksale
English: The fate of the animals
Deutsch: Leinwand
Deutsch: 196 × 266 cm
Deutsch: Kunstmuseum Basel
Deutsch: Basel
Deutsch: Künstlergruppe »Der Blaue Reiter«

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

oddities...or reality keeps outscoring fiction

"Like any good pop diva, Lady Gaga is constantly reinventing herself. First she tried the club kid chic look, then took to pyrotechnic hosiery – but it looks like her newest incarnation is military-themed: she was the commander-in-chief of an all-male naked army in her video for “Alejandro,” and soon after she appeared on the cover of the General McChrystal-ousting issue of Rolling Stone with heavy ammunition on her chest. And now a new implication in the developing Wikileaks investigation is adding some credibility to her army shtick.
The New York Times revealed that Pfc. Bradley E. Manning, the 22-year-old soldier being charged with leaking classified intelligence information to Wikileaks, used discs disguised as Lady Gaga CDs to smuggle the information – including 150,000 plus diplomatic cables, secret videos, and a PowerPoint presentation – from secure military computers.
Logistically, how did Manning use Gaga to pull of his data heist? Since November 2008, computers operated by the Pentagon or the armed services have had their external hard drive portals disabled to prevent occurrences like this. However, Defense Department personnel are still permitted to use the CD players that are built into the computers, and Manning popped in a disc capable of holding data files and told everyone he was just a devoted Little Monster. To make his story more believable, Manning “hummed and lip-synced to Lady Gaga songs” to appear as though he was actually listening to music rather than covertly stealing government records.
According to the article, “Another line of inquiry is expected to look at whether digital red flags were raised, or should have been raised, by Private Manning’s actions.” It’s funny that in this day and age, a soldier singing aloud to Lady Gaga while fiddling around on an army computer chock full classified government data is not considered to be suspicious at all until he gets caught stealing top-secret information."

found here


Adorei este nu, do arquitecto e pintor Frederico George, pode ser visto no Museu Municipal Abel Manta em Gouveia

Monday, December 6, 2010

Palm Springs, 1960

about the book


(- Vou fazer qualquer coisa irracional e desligar-me da máquina - só para provar que sou humano...)

O céu exibe no azul cristalino os rastos dos jactos do dia, está muito frio
as avós regressam a casa depois de um dia na apanha da azeitona.
Acendem os fogos nas salas, para tornar a noite suportável,
olham para a chama, como se não a vissem,
como se fossem apenas um espelho.
Dentro do peito armazenam o calor que  usarão depois como força motriz.
não sabes nada delas só por olhares para elas, sentadas no chão a tagarelar,
a fazer o que há para fazer.
Tens de seguir as teias que elas tecem, entender como seguram o mundo,
como as aldeias morrem com elas.

(Pensas no fogo que tudo transforma em cinza e na força que esmaga os frutos e nos dá os seus sucos, pensas no vinho e no azeite. Pensas que na origem de tudo existe uma vontade, um querer claro e preciso, aguçado como uma navalha. Pensas - escondido do frio e do escuro, opado como um pão.)


You say you are an acute assessor of fame. You of all people must know, then, that celebrity is fleeting. Doesn’t that scare the bejesus out of you?
Not in the book of Gaga.
In the book of Gaga, fame is in your heart, fame is there to comfort you, to bring you self-confidence and worth whenever you need it. I want my fans to love themselves. It’s almost like I want to hypnotize them so when they hear my music they love themselves instantly.

all here