Saturday, October 9, 2010

halley comet, John Lennon

“For our last number, I’d like to ask your help. The people in the cheaper seats clap your hands. And the rest of you, just rattle your jewelry.” John Lennon

Thursday, October 7, 2010

misterious ways

PIC_3848, originally uploaded by joaop1960.
she moves in misterious ways (check U2 song)


PIC_3844, originally uploaded by joaop1960.
million watt smile

Cores de meia-cor

Uma névoa de Outono o ar raro vela,
Cores de meia-cor pairam no céu.
O que indistintamente se revela,
Árvores, casas, montes, nada é meu.

Sim, vejo-o, e pela vista sou seu dono.
Sim, sinto-o eu pelo coração, o como.
Mas entre mim e ver há um grande sono.
De sentir é só a janela a que eu assomo.

Amanhã, se estiver um dia igual,
Mas se for outro, porque é amanhã,
Terei outra verdade, universal,
E será como esta [...]

 (Fernando Pessoa),
visto no blog Abrupto


The old pond
A frog jumps in
The sound of water.

Matsuo Bashō
as interpreted by R.H. Blyth

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

end of summer

A Song

  I wish you were here, dear, I wish you were here.
I wish you sat on the sofa
and I sat near.
the handkerchief could be yours,
the tear could be mine, chin-bound.
Though it could be, of course,
the other way around.

I wish you were here, dear,
I wish you were here.
I wish we were in my car,
and you'd shift the gear.
we'd find ourselves elsewhere,
on an unknown shore.
Or else we'd repair
To where we've been before.

I wish you were here, dear,
I wish you were here.
I wish I knew no astronomy
when stars appear,
when the moon skims the water
that sighs and shifts in its slumber.
I wish it were still a quarter
to dial your number.

I wish you were here, dear,
in this hemisphere,
as I sit on the porch
sipping a beer.
It's evening, the sun is setting;
boys shout and gulls are crying.
What's the point of forgetting
If it's followed by dying?

Joseph Brodsky

Theater of shadows

bio here


The body is determined
When the task ahead is clear.

I can only love the sky
and all its winged things
(I get wet letting the wings of rain touch me).

A beginning
Every day is a beginning, so says the sun
Gently tearing open the horizon.


O corpo é determinado
Quando a tarefa é clara na sua frente.

Só posso gostar do céu
De todas as suas coisas aladas
(fico molhado deixando-me tocar pelas asas da chuva).

Um começo
Todo o dia é um começo, assim o diz o sol
Rasgando de mansinho o horizonte.

shot into the light

DSC_0057, originally uploaded by joaop1960.


DSC_0049, originally uploaded by joaop1960.

the fire of the heart and the fire of the mind

found this beautiful image, here

I don't know if it is still there but I know of a church that had an olive tree growing on its façade...this is just extending the metaphor, the olive tree embracing the whole town...

so I googled for it and found this photo here (with a nice text also)

don't know why, then I arrived here :

Heart and Mind

SAID the Lion to the Lioness-'When you are amber dust,-
No more a raging fire like the heat of the Sun
(No liking but all lust)-
Remember still the flowering of the amber blood and bone,
The rippling of bright muscles like a sea,
Remember the rose-prickles of bright paws
Though the fire of that sun the heart and the moon-cold bone are one.'

Said the Skeleton lying upon the sands of Time-
'The great gold planet that is the mourning heat of the Sun
Is greater than all gold, more powerful
Than the tawny body of a Lion that fire consumes
Like all that grows or is the heart

More powerful than all dust. Once I was Hercules
Or Samson, strong as the pillars of the seas:
But the flames of the heart consumed me, and the mind
Is but a foolish wind.'

Said the Sun to the Moon-'When you are but a lonely white crone,
And I, a dead King in my golden armour somewhere in a dark wood,
Remember only this of our hopeless love
That never till Time is done
Will the fire of the heart and the fire of the mind be one.'
Edith Sitwell