Monday, May 11, 2009

le temps des cérises, le soleil a revenu


  1. hey your son's cool. and i really like this Noir Desir. first time i heard their music even though i dont understand french. :P

  2. Hello, your group is ok also. My kids are going to post 2 new songs soon.
    A french group you might like is Telephone and the solo work of his members.

  3. haha. that is not my band. im just a groupie. its my friend's band. im not good enough to be in a band. right. will check it out. thanks! do you still omegle? im kinda bored already.

  4. Omegle, didn't try it anymore...if you try harder perhaps you too can be in a band, just don't be afraid to fail.
    People can get to do amazing things, reality is always stronger than fiction.
