Wednesday, October 14, 2009

But João...

Wassily Kandinsky - "The Blue Mountain" - (1908-09)
Oil on canvas - The Solomon R. Guggebheim
Museum, New York, NY, USA - Image
Copyright © (cf. Olga's Gallery)

"But João, stones and rocks are alive too. Their molecules just move very slowly."
Says Ruth and I think about an old Philip Glass piece,
the music revolving around itself, like in a frame by frame mode and I
think of stones and rocks the same, moving, moving.
Moving about itselves in a way, that mere humans can't aprehend.


  1. You manage to match words with images as if you designed them both, together. The texture in the top 2/3 like stones, the movement of the horsemen, the heat and intensity of the colors, the extreme cold of the blue/purple. Startling and satisfying.
