Tuesday, August 11, 2009

every rose is a miracle

Rosa Lapinha

Here in Portugal the miracle of the roses is attributed to our queen St. Isabel...

Aqui em Portugal a lenda atribui o milagre das rosas à rainha St. Isabel...

"The miracle of the roses is a Catholic miracle in which roses announce the presence or activity of God. Such a miracle is presented in various hagiographies and legends in different forms, and it occurs in connection with diverse characters such as St. Elisabeth of Hungary (1207-1231), St. Elizabeth of Portugal (1271-1336), and Our Lady of Guadalupe (appeared in 1531).

A symbol of love already in Greek and Roman literature, in the Middle Ages the rose became endowed with Christian symbolism. By the twelfth century, it has come to stand for the pleasures of the Garden of Eden and becomes associated with the Virgin Mary in her dual role as bride and mother; signaling the multivalence of Christian symbolism, the red rose by this time signifies the sorrow of Christ's passion, and martyrdom in general. It is in this period, the High Middle Ages, that the miracle of the rose appears in its different permutations, often as a female symbol, either because of the presence of the Virgin Mary or because the roses appear in the hands of a woman."

from the Wikipedia

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